How minerals affect concentration and productivity

Did you know that the key to improving concentration and productivity might lie in minerals? In today's fast-paced life, where everyone strives to be more efficient, we often forget about the fundamental elements that drive our bodies and minds. Unfortunately, in our pursuit of health, we focus mainly on counting calories, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, forgetting that without the right minerals, these macronutrients cannot be fully utilized!

  1. Energy Production: Without proper mineralization, there is no concentration.
    To be focused and productive, our bodies need energy. The energy currency of our body is ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which we can produce from both glucose (carbohydrates) and fats. Although glucose is an easy source of energy, it is less efficient compared to fatty acids, which can provide three times more ATP per gram. However, to efficiently utilize fats, both from diet and our fat tissue, we need functional mitochondria that require the right minerals to function properly. If you have deficiencies in key minerals, your mitochondria cannot efficiently utilize fats to produce energy, regardless of how accurately you calculate your calories and how regularly you exercise.

  2. Key Minerals
    Here are the most important minerals you need to take care of to boost your concentration and productivity:

  • Magnesium:
    Magnesium is essential for the production of ATP, which is energy. Without it, energy production does not occur. Unfortunately, although magnesium is one of the most commonly supplemented minerals, many people still have a deficiency. Why?

    The most popular magnesium supplements available in pharmacies often contain magnesium oxide, which absorbs only 5%. This means that although you supplement regularly, you see no effects. Worse, these supplements often come in tablet form, which contain additional substances, including aluminum, which can lead to increased aluminum levels in the body.

    For supplementation to be effective, the approach must be holistic. If you take magnesium but consume a lot of carbohydrates, sweets, and processed foods, and have hormonal problems such as insulin resistance, magnesium absorption at the cellular level will be hindered. To absorb magnesium well, we also need to take care of our diet and lifestyle.

    If you are looking for a good form of magnesium, try our product, which contains four highly absorbable forms of magnesium with the best-proven effects. Additionally, it includes vitamin B6 and taurine, which help retain magnesium in the cells and improve its absorption. You can find out more here.

  • Electrolytes:
    Electrolytes are key for hydrating cells and our entire body. Over 60% of the human body's mass is water, making it the most important component of our organism. The better the balance of electrolytes, the better the absorption of vitamins and minerals, more effective detoxification, and more efficient communication between cells, all of which affect our concentration and productivity.

    Unfortunately, we consume too much refined salt, which contains mainly sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl). Even healthy products like sourdough bread, cheese, Parma ham, herring, or olives contain refined salt, leading to sodium excess and electrolyte imbalance. This results in frequent headaches, impaired concentration, swelling, constipation, dry skin, and stiffness in joints and neck. Conclusion? Electrolyte supplementation is essential for improving concentration, productivity, and overall body efficiency. Instead of another coffee, try drinking a glass of water with good quality electrolytes containing trace minerals – you’ll notice a huge difference.

    We recommend trying our electrolytes, which, in addition to basic minerals, also contain trace elements, as well as D-ribose, which supports energy production, and creatine, which helps with concentration and has proven health benefits, find out more here.

  • Iodine:
    Iodine affects thyroid function, which regulates metabolism, energy levels, body temperature, and sex hormones: testosterone in men and estrogens in women. Every cell in our body has a receptor for iodine, making it an essential element for proper functioning. Additionally, iodine supports detoxification and improves cognitive functions. In Norway, hypothyroidism is one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases. It manifests as poor metabolism, trouble waking up, impaired concentration, constipation, dry skin, and thinning hair and even fertility and getting pregnant problems.

    The thyroid needs iodine to function properly. Despite the coastal location, Norwegians often suffer from iodine deficiency due to absorption issues. Without proper testing, patients often receive synthetic drugs that they must take for life. In old medical textbooks, high doses of iodine were used to treat many conditions, but today we fear its supplementation despite the increasing number of diseases related to hypothyroidism, autoimmune disorders, and cancers.

    How to improve iodine levels? Iodized salt is not a sufficient solution because iodine oxidizes two weeks after opening, and chlorine in salt inhibits its absorption. A good idea is to increase the intake of fish and seafood, but only wild-caught, as farmed fish are low in iodine and high in antibiotics, which is hard to avoid in Norway.

    Therefore, we recommend our patients take supplements according to their individual needs. It should be noted that iodine activates detoxification, so the supplement should be properly formulated and contain ingredients rich in trace elements, such as those found in the PureNordic jod supplement.

  • Chromium:
    Chromium regulates blood glucose levels and improves insulin sensitivity, which is crucial for stable energy levels and concentration. Increasing chromium deficiency leads to weight reduction problems, elevated insulin levels, and insulin resistance, literally preventing the use of fat as an energy source. This lowers our efficiency and concentration, causing energy level fluctuations and the need for naps during the day. Supplementation with chromium in combination with vanadium and the right form of magnesium can help solve this problem, you can find more about this

  1. Diagnosing Deficiencies in Norway
    To effectively supplement deficiencies, we first need to identify which minerals we lack. A helpful tool is spectrophotometry, which allows for precise determination of mineral levels in cells. This process involves sending a light and measuring the wavelength reflected by the minerals, providing accurate results. This method, awarded the
    Nobel Prize, has been used in medicine for many years. Now, we can also use it for easy analysis of up to 22 minerals, 7 vitamins, and 15 heavy metals in our bodies. This innovative device is already available in Norway, and we can use it in a simple and non-invasive way. 

Introducing PureNordic

After introducing the innovative spectrophotometry method to the Norwegian market, we realized the lack of available, high-quality supplements that We could recommend to our patients. Therefore, we decided to create PureNordic, a unique brand of supplements produced in Northern Norway from the purest ingredients, perfectly covering the individual needs of our clients. PureNordic supplements were created based on numerous deficiency analyses conducted on Norwegian residents, allowing us to create a series of unique products with the best effects, considering the interactions between minerals and vitamins.

Our goal is to match supplements to the individual needs of patients to supplement what we really need, as both excesses and deficiencies are not beneficial for us. Unfortunately, most of us buy supplements without checking what our bodies really need, which is why we rarely achieve any improvement. Today, thanks to an innovative approach, we can get to know our bodies even better and truly adjust our diet and supplementation to our individual needs, not just based on calorie requirements as before. Without minerals, our metabolism does not function properly, and efficient energy extraction from both carbohydrates and fats is impossible until these deficiencies are supplemented. Personalized supplementation is our mission at PureNordic. You can read more about our activities here. If you are interested in deficiency analysis, please contact us via email:
